How to help girls dissect media and advertisement messaging

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How to help girls dissect media and advertisement messaging | Kids in the House
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How to help girls dissect media and advertisement messaging

I love that moment that I see the light bulb go on in a girl’s eyes when she starts to understand the impact of advertising and the media on her, and her body image, and her life. One of the things that can be fun to do with girls 4th grade on up is do a project that I call what is the product, what is the promise. Take a look at ads together and see what the shampoo ad maybe promising in terms of friendship, beauty, belonging, etc. The girls love this and some girls will create a bulletin board or a poster on the back of their bedroom doors where they collect some of the more outrageous advertisements that they see, noticing what’s the product and what’s the promise. You can also make this into a family project where everybody chips in, sharing their observations on advertisements that has a product and a promise that don’t necessarily match.

View Melissa Johnson, PhD's video on How to help girls dissect media and advertisement messaging...


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Melissa Johnson, PhD


Melissa J. Johnson, PhD, licensed psychologist, is the founder and CEO of the Institute for Girl’s Development in Pasadena, CA. An expert in child and teen development, Dr, Johnson holds a master's degree in Education and a Doctorate in Counseling Psychology. Dr. Johnson has worked with children and teens for over 30 years. At the Institute. Dr. Johnson and her team deliver strength-based therapy, inspiring education programs and consultation with schools and districts to help create positive school climates. Dr. Johnson's approach to raising and mentoring youth draws together contemporary research in neuroscience and mind/body health, and evidence based interventions in mindfulness and social and emotional intelligence.

Dr. Johnson was recognized by the State of California with an Outstanding Women in Business award winner in 2011. Dr. Johnson is a former Interim Chair of the Maters Programs in counseling at the University of La Verne and has served as an adjunct faculty member at both the University of La Verve and the University of Southern California. Dr. Jonson is a welcomed local and national speaker. Her peer-reviewed publications have appeared in the Journal of Humanistic Psychology and Professional Psychology: Research and Practice. Her numerous articles about raising strong girls have appeared in community online blogs and newsletters.

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