What are Mamavation Moms?

Learn about: What are Mamavation Moms? from Leah Segedie,...
What are Mamavation Moms? | Kids in the House
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What are Mamavation Moms?

Mamavation is 2 things, it is a healthy living sorority for mom's and it is also a boot camp. The healthy living sorority for mom's is a group of mom's that are together and our whole purpose is to stop obesity in our home. So we live healthy living gradually slowly everyday, and that's what Mamavation is. And there is a boot camp where I put 2 mom's into a healthy living kinda kick butt virtual boot camp. And we give them a dietitian, we give them a trainer and they have the whole community to support them for 7 weeks. Like a reality show in Social Media. Mamavation is been around for 3 and half years, and over that time women under my leadership have lost 3k pounds. And most of those women are everyday women who have decided to change their lives for the sake of their children to role model behavior. They are doing it gradually step by step, there's no perfection, there's nobody is better in somebody else. It's just mom's and it's just learning healthy behavior. That's what Mamavation is all about. Mamavation with the creation that I came up with but it goes back to my own story. I mean years and years and years ago, I was a 522 and when I lost that weight I was never able to lose weight when it was about me. The only time that I was able to lose weight was when it was about my children. So when I became a mom, and I thought about what I wanted for my own children. I just didn't want them to grow up being overweight, so I knew that I have to change my life. And that's what I did. So that is the center of Mamavation. It's about us living for them, it's not about us living for us. It is easier when you are doing it for your kids. You got that mother line inside of you.

Learn about: What are Mamavation Moms? from Leah Segedie,...


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Leah Segedie

Mamavation Creator

Leah Segedie is a fitness matriarch in the social media realm who helps “digital moms” learn and sustain healthy living practices to combat obesity. She has lost over 170 lbs. over two pregnancies and is an inspiration to women all over the Internet with her communities Bookieboo.com and Mamavation.com.

Leah has been recognized for several feats in her professional and personal life such as being named “Mom of the Year” by Shape Magazine, also being named the 4th most Influential Mommy Blogger by Cision Media, compared to Lady Gaga for her unique social media tactics in The Huffington Post, and Bookieboo being named a “Favorite Weight Loss Blog” by Fitness Magazine.  Leah has a master’s degree in Communication Management from the University of Southern California. She was also Commencement Speaker during her 2001 Graduation Ceremony at the University of Southern California when she received her Bachelor of Arts in Communication. She lives in Simi Valley, California with her husband and three young children.

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