Micro preemie long term health concerns
Learn about: Micro preemie long term health concerns from Amanda Knickerbocker,...
Some long term health problems that can be found in micro preemies are, first, breathing problems. These children often have asthma or reactive airway disease, even into their childhood.
Also, feeding problems. A lot of them come home from the NICU with feeding tubes or requiring feeding therapy. Another condition is called, failure to thrive, in which the child can't take in enough calories to grow properly. They need to have foods that are very high in calories and very dense in their caloric nature.
Another condition and something that we watch for is cerebral palsy or CP; which is damage to the brain. This can lead to developmental delays, as well as, just difficulty in moving and coordination for children. Other conditions are visual impairment, deafness. Some uncommon, but also found is that these children tend to have problems with their teeth. Enamel is developed at different gestational times, so if they come out before the enamel is developed, they can have lots of dental problems.
Learn about: Micro preemie long term health concerns from Amanda Knickerbocker,...
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Amanda KnickerbockerBlogger & Mom
Amanda Knickerbocker is the wife of a pediatrician, and the mother of two children aged three and twenty months. When her daughter was born at 1.2 Pounds, 11 inches, spending 200 days in the NICU, Amanda began blogging about her family’s experience. She continues to offer support and community to parents of preemies at Understanding Prematurity.
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