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5 Tips for Families of Special Needs Kids

special needs kids

Having a child with special needs is often just like having any child in a lot of ways, but there are inevitable extra needs that must be met, no matter what your child’s condition or requirements are. It’s all about loving them, doing whatever you can to make them feel happy and comfortable, and watching in awe as they grow and change in the world. That being said, as the family or parent of a special needs child, you may have a bit more to think about than the average parent, and every journey is individual.

Whether you’re new to the world of having a special needs child in your life or this isn’t your first rodeo, special needs are often a constant learning curve that never stops. There’s always so much more to learn and educate yourself on, because there are so many resources out there. And between caring for the child in your life in the best way possible and ensuring your own wellness in the process, there are so many things you can do to have the best experience supporting your special needs child. Here are just a few tips to get you started, no matter where you are in your journey.

  1. Therapy Can Be Play

This works both ways in that therapy can be play, and play can be therapy. While this may sound a bit confusing, it makes sense. If your child happens to go to any kind of therapy and you’ve sat in on their sessions, you may already know that therapy can involve games, positive socialization and other forms of casual fun, because practicing these activities can be highly beneficial for your child’s brain development and emotional health. Additionally on the flip side, play can also serve as a form of therapy. Just like games, socialization and other forms of play are beneficial in a therapy setting, they can be beneficial and therapeutic in any setting.

  1. Self Care Rules

This goes for everybody — your child, if capable, and especially you as a supporter or caretaker. Encouraging forms of self care in your family can have an overall positive impact on everyone by boosting morale and enabling everyone to feel worthy of time for themselves. If your child can engage in forms of self care, it can be an empowering experience for them. And when it comes to you, self care can be especially important. By spending time caring for yourself, you can avoid burnout, feel better in your own life and show up much better for your child when they need you.

  1. Ask Your Insurance Company

When it comes to the financial side of things, stuff can sometimes be tricky, but you also never know what insurance can come through about. If your child is in need of mobility aids, your insurance company will usually help cover the cost of them, as well as other necessities like medications and treatments, but some insurance companies cover things that are a bit off the beaten path, and it can always benefit you to ask. Some companies will assist with wheelchair-accessible vehicles, learning aids and alternative therapies like acupuncture. It can never hurt to ask.

  1. Build a Support System

A support system can mean a lot of things, and whatever it means to you, a support system can be highly important when supporting a special needs kid. Everyone needs a support system, and your family is no different. Building a conscious network of friends, family members, care professionals, teachers and loved ones is the main foundation of helping your child feel loved and cared for while also offering support to the whole family while they navigate the highs and the lows. Just like your child needs support, so do you and the rest of the family, and building a system of people who understand your needs can be a game changer.

  1. Keep Educating Yourself

While a lot of tips suggest that you educate yourself, you can — and should — take things a bit further than reading up once or twice. Information and medical developments are constantly changing and evolving, and there are new treatment options and discoveries being explored every single day. Staying on top of those developments is one of the best ways to ensure that your child gets the best treatments and care you know of. It’s not just about educating yourself, but continuing to educate yourself as time goes on.

Tips for Special Needs Families

As a part of your child’s family, you love them unconditionally and want what’s best for them. While their needs may be a bit different from other children, your commitment to helping them grow and succeed as best as possible will help them reach their milestones and live happy lives. When you educate yourself and have a strong support network, things look a lot brighter.