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7 Reasons to Be a Work-At-Home Parent

work from home parent

Working at home can seem like a dream to parents who struggle to balance their professional and personal responsibilities every day. They are always intrigued to find a job to work from home and stay with their children.

Your goals, parenting philosophy, and resources can all help you decide if being a stay-at-home parent is the right choice for you. However, we’ve teamed up with professionals from job aggregator Jooble to provide you with seven reasons to be a work-at-home parent. Let’s proceed.

Understanding the 7 Benefits of Being a Stay-at-Home Parent

While childcare arrangements, career paths, and home office setups may vary significantly, there are several benefits of being a stay-at-home parent. Working from your comfort zone has its pros and cons, but the pros outweigh the cons for most people. Let’s explore more.

1. Flexible Working Hours

Working from home allows you to have more flexible working hours than the regular 9-to-5 job. Parents who work at home can choose to work during the early morning hours or after the kids have slept at night. This flexibility gives you the freedom to run errands during the day without worrying about leaving your job. You’ll also have the opportunity to spend more meaningful time with your family and help your kids with homework.

2. Increase or Maintain Your Income

You can increase your savings and cut many workplace costs by working from home. Working from home as a parent allows you to do your regular office work and start a business while still maintaining your everyday parenting responsibilities. You won’t also have to deal with office politics and the hustle and bustle of resuming early to work.

3. Spend More Time With Your Kids

Unlike the regular 9-5 work, working from home allows parents to be part of their children’s daily routines, not just in the early mornings, nights, and weekends. You’ll be able to have a lunch break with your child, hear all of the news from the day when they return home from school, and so much more.

In addition, working from home reduces childcare costs for children who are not yet in school.

4. Improved Academic Performance

Children with stay-at-home parents are more likely to excel academically than those whose parents work full-time. This is because parents who work in offices, studios, or manufacturers cannot devote as much extra time to helping their children with schoolwork or advocating for their needs with teachers as stay-at-home parents would.

5. Take Control

You can make time for yourself and your family with the time saved by working from home. Parents who work at home have a sense of control over their future instead of regular office employees. They skillfully manage home and work duties.

Moreover, the income generated by working from home can let you enjoy luxuries that you might otherwise forgo.

6. Commute-Free

You are neither spending time with your family nor working when you are on your way to work. Working from home prevents this loss of time, and it gives you more time to work and be with your family.

Commuting is not only inconvenient, but it is also expensive in many places. Working from home will save you expenses on fuel, public transportation, and potential car maintenance issues from frequent use.

7. Fewer Behavioral Issues

A study by Susan Gilbert discovered that 17% of kids receiving out-of-home childcare had terrible behavior. This can only be curtailed if parents begin to work from home and spend more time with their kids.

Staying at home with your children can help you see potential behavioral or developmental issues earlier on. Stay-at-home parents can see their child’s behavior personally rather than relying on comments from outside providers. Parents who stay at home with their children may be able to devote more time to assisting their school-aged children in adjusting to a new environment.


 It is clear that there is more to gain than lose if you opt to work while staying at home with your children. While the path to achieving this may not be without bumps, we can assure you that the adventure will be worthwhile.