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8 Supplements for a Healthy Pregnancy 

supplements for pregnancy 2022

Whether pregnant with your first or fourth baby, you may wonder what's safe to eat, drink or do during this exciting time. Pregnancy can come with much joy and discomfort, like fatigue, migraines, and nausea. Since many conventional medications are off-limits during pregnancy, many women look for more natural methods, like supplements. However, just because something is natural doesn't mean it's safe during early pregnancy. To keep your symptoms at bay and promote your baby's healthy development, keep reading about the following beneficial and safe supplements during pregnancy. 

Iron Supplements 

With 1 in 10 Americans identifying as vegan, pregnant women need to take an iron supplement for pregnancy. Even if you're eating regular sources of iron like meat, seafood, and dark leafy greens, chances are, it's not enough to get the recommended levels. Iron is critical in pregnancy because of the extra demands of blood volume that pregnancy creates. Getting around 30 mgs a day of this essential element would be best. 

Folic Acid

If your pregnancy journey included time trying to conceive, you likely are already supplementing with Folic Acid. If you're not, this is your notice to invest in a high-quality Folic Acid supplement. Folic Acid is essential for development in early pregnancy to prevent neural birth defects. You want to consume at least 400 micrograms daily until your twelfth week of pregnancy.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is something most Americans are deficient in, but vital to the health of both mother and baby during pregnancy. Not only will Vitamin D boost your immune system (which lowers it during pregnancy), but it's also critical for developing teeth, nails, and muscles. Have your Vitamin D levels checked at your next OB appointment and follow their guidance on how much you need to supplement daily. 

Vitamin C

Vitamin C does much more than shorten the length of your cold or flu. Vitamin C is critical in protecting cells and keeping them healthy. Since pregnancy is about creating new cells and keeping your fetus healthy, Vitamin C and pregnancy go hand in hand. If you're taking a lot of supplements, you can get all the Vitamin C you need through a healthy diet and foods like citrus fruits, broccoli, potatoes, and peppers. 


Calcium is essential in helping create your baby's bones and teeth. While Calcium is easily found in foods like yogurt, cheese, and dark leafy greens like kale, when tested, many pregnant women who didn't supplement with Calcium had low levels. While pregnant, you need to get at least 1000 mg of Calcium per day. 

B Vitamins

B Vitamins include B-12, B1, B2, B6 as well as B9. B Vitamins are essential to a healthy pregnancy. Not only can B Vitamins boost energy levels (and pregnancy fatigue is intense), but they can also help build the placenta. The placenta provides nutrients and oxygen to your baby, a literal lifeline. For a strong and healthy placenta, B Vitamins are a must. You can also boost your B Vitamin intake by consuming foods rich in them, like pork, bananas, and whole-grain bread. 


Choline plays a key role in the developing fetus's brain as well as helping prevent certain birth defects. The body can produce some choline on its own, but ideally, pregnant women get around 450 mg daily, so supplementing is your best bet. Choline can be found in beef, pork, eggs, and milk, but it's not found in most prenatal vitamins - so either supplement or eat plenty of foods rich in Choline. 

Omega 3 Fatty Acids

Omega 3 Fatty Acids are essential supplements for everyone's overall health and wellness as they've been shown to help with everything from mental health issues to heart disease. When it comes to your growing baby, Omega 3's have been shown to help with brain development before and after birth. Supplementing with Omega 3's is fantastic for both mother and baby's overall well-being and essential in any healthy pregnancy. 

There are so many things that expecting mothers worry about, but which supplements are safe to take and essential doesn't need to be one of them. The supplements mentioned above are well tolerated and considered safe at every stage of pregnancy. Here's to your (and your baby's) health!