Bradley Method for childbirth

Stephanie Caspian explains how the Bradley Method helped her prepare for childbirth at home and the other ways share benefitted from natural childbirth the Bradley way
The Bradley Method of Natural Childbirth -
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Bradley Method for childbirth

The Bradley Method helped me prepare for childbirth at home because it taught me about the birthing process, it taught me about the power of my body and how to deal with the potential pain of childbirth. I felt empowered by the classes because I learned that by relaxing I could actually control the pain. And my husband also took the classes with me so he learned how to best support me. And basically, if you do choose a hospital birth, they teach you how to possible prevent the interventions that might come, such as a C-section or medications. Also I learned how to prepare a birth plan in the event that I had to be transported to a hospital, and that really helps.
PREGNANCY, Childbirth, Birth Methods

Stephanie Caspian explains how the Bradley Method helped her prepare for childbirth at home and the other ways share benefitted from natural childbirth the Bradley way


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Stephanie Caspian

Preschool Director and Mom

Stephanie Caspian owns a child-directed preschool and daycare called Maple Tree where they practice nonviolent communication (NVC). She lives in Santa Monica with her husband and three boys. Stephanie is the president of the board of Manhattan Beach Nursery School and an assistant den leader for the Cub Scouts for Boy Scouts of America. Her spiritual practice is Nichiren Buddhism in the Soka Gakkai and she dedicates her spare time to the SGI-USA, an international organization that promotes peace, culture and education in the community.

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