Why siblings fight
Pamela Varady, PsyD Psychologist and Family Coach, explains why siblings often fight with each other and shares advice on how to help resolve the conflicts
There are many reasons why siblings fight. Sometimes they are just bored and they don't know what to do with themselves. Sometimes they are trying to move or have an impact on their sibling and they don't know the best way to do it, so they do it negatively by teasing or taunting.
Sometimes it's because a child feels left out of the family, that the family relationships are out of balance. Instead of a child coming up and saying, "Mommy, Daddy, you are not giving me enough attention. I don't think you love me enough. You are not with me enough." They'll sock their brother instead. That' their way of communicating, "I'm not getting enough."
Sometimes kids will fight because they don't have great social skills. They are young and they haven't learned how to get along, how to have empathy, how to motivate somebody, how to manipulate somebody in the best way, how to have conflict resolution. We need to teach our children these very vital, social skills so they can be socially intelligent and get along better.
These are the skills that will last a lifetime.
Pamela Varady, PsyD Psychologist and Family Coach, explains why siblings often fight with each other and shares advice on how to help resolve the conflicts
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Pamela Varady, PsyDPsychologist
Dr. Pamela Varady is a Child and Adult Psychologist and sought-after parenting expert. She has appeared as a relationship expert on NBC, Discovery Health Network, The Today Show and Fox TV. Dr. Varady wrote a workbook, 15 Minutes To Sibling Harmony and conducts seminars and Purposeful Parenting Classes throughout Southern California. In addition, Dr. Varady operates Dynamic Learning and Listening Center for children with special needs with her husband, Dr. Jackson Varady and sister, Dr. Jennifer Glasser, who are also psychologists. Pamela lives in Santa Monica with her husband and 13 year old twin boys.
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