Meet Marcy Axness, PhD
Learn about: Meet Marcy Axness, PhD from Marcy Axness, PhD,...
I'm Marcy Axness. I'm an early development specialist and I have a private practice counseling parents and pre-parents. I'm fascinated with how we become who we become and how early that begins. And I would have to say that my research into that began when I was conceived and carried by a mother who knew she wasn't going to be keeping me. If you're struggling, I've been there. Parenting brings up our most tender material to be reckoned with. So in my practice and in my book, "Parenting for Peace," I do give parents tips and all the right things to say and not to say to their children, but I really focus a lot on cultivating an inner sense of calm and self-possession which is transformative and makes 90% of discipline issues evaporate before they even appear. With my former husband of 25 years I raised a son and daughter and besides time with them, I'd say I find my greatest joy when everything falls away at the present moment, whether that's with another person, or on the ski slope, or on the ocean, or on the dance floor.
Learn about: Meet Marcy Axness, PhD from Marcy Axness, PhD,...
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Marcy Axness, PhDChildhood Development Specialist
Marcy Axness, PhD, is an early development specialist, popular international speaker, and author of Parenting for Peace: Raising the Next Generation of Peacemakers. She is a top blogger at and a member of their expert panel. Featured in several documentary films as an expert in adoption, prenatal development and Waldorf education, Dr. Axness has a private practice coaching parents-in-progress. She considers as one of her most important credentials that she raised two peacemakers to share with the world -- Ian and Eve, both in their 20s.
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