Golden Nugget

Childhood Development Specialist Marcy Axness, PhD, shares her Golden Nugget of parenting advice on the importance of keeping a good attitude as a parent
Golden Nugget of Parenting Advice from Marcy Axness, PhD
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Golden Nugget

The inside is attitude. Your attitude changes everything. The picture that you hold in your mind of what your child is capable of and will do changes everything. And you can see it with the seatbelts. Very few kids and parents have struggles over seatbelts, because there's such an unequivocal conviction in the parent that this will happen. So remember that and apply that conviction to other things. And then the outside piece is - and this is such a gem - slow down. Put this on your refrigerator, "Time I think it will take to do something times two equals joy, peace and sanity."

Childhood Development Specialist Marcy Axness, PhD, shares her Golden Nugget of parenting advice on the importance of keeping a good attitude as a parent


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Marcy Axness, PhD

Childhood Development Specialist

Marcy Axness, PhD, is an early development specialist, popular international speaker, and author of Parenting for Peace: Raising the Next Generation of Peacemakers. She is a top blogger at and a member of their expert panel. Featured in several documentary films as an expert in adoption, prenatal development and Waldorf education, Dr. Axness has a private practice coaching parents-in-progress. She considers as one of her most important credentials that she raised two peacemakers to share with the world -- Ian and Eve, both in their 20s. 

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