Opinions from others about your parenting choices

Watch Video: Opinions from others about your parenting choices by Zoe Rogers, ...
Opinions from others about your parenting choices | Kids in the House
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Opinions from others about your parenting choices

Other people putting in their two cents on your parenting is like a never-ending thing. It's almost like how violating it feels when you are pregnant and a stranger comes up and touches you or says how huge you are. That's sort of your preparation for other people trying to give your opinion on the rest of your child rearing. I try to handle it by not getting into an interaction about it. Say, "This is a personal choice we've made. We have all the information, and we've discussed it with our pediatrician." Leave it at that. People always want to talk to you about what kind of birth you are having or whether you choose to nurse or not. Whether you choose to vaccinate or not, or even where you are sending your child to school. The way we've handled it is just, "I appreciate your concern. We are totally educated in the decisions we are making for our family. We are not imposing that upon anybody else. We would certainly hope that you wouldn't impose your views on us." Smile and try to keep a sense of humor about it.

Watch Video: Opinions from others about your parenting choices by Zoe Rogers, ...


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Zoe Rogers


Zoe Rogers lives in Santa Monica with her husband and two kids, ages six and two. 

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