Meet Denene Millner

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Meet Denene Millner

I'm Denene Millner. I am the editor of and an author of 19 books, 2 of which are New York Times bestsellers. And I have 3 children. I have a 9 year old girl, a 12 year old girl and a 20 year old stepson. They are my world, they really are. We have the best time, particularly when music is involved. You put on a Stevie Wonder song, and it's on, it's on! We have a lot of fun. I think in my next life i'm going to be a deejay. I do adore my children with abandon. And my mission in life is to open doors for African-American mothers in a way where they can understand that they can get information from me on my website in a way that respects them as mothers, helps them understand that they're bigger than stereotypes that people have of African-American mothers and to know that the way they're mothering their children is the right way.
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Denene Millner

Author & Founder of

New York Times best-selling author Denene Millner is a hotly sought after award-winning journalist whose insightful and captivating pieces have secured her foothold in the entertainment, parenting and book publishing industries. Millner spent the last decade working as a columnist, contributing editor and blogger for Parenting, a national magazine for which she provided witty, engaging, mom-to-mom advice on ethics and etiquette in everything from childrearing and marriage to work and friendship. Currently, she also is the founder and editor of, a critically acclaimed, award-winning blog that examines parenting and motherhood through the multi-cultural experience. Millner frequently contributes as an entertainment writer for Essence, the most well-read and respected magazine for African American women, and has written for a plethora of national publications and prestigious websites, including Parenting, HealthEbony, JetHeart & SoulReal Health, Money, iVillage,, TodayMoms, and The Root, among others. Her extensive television experience includes regular appearances on the The Today Show, CBS Early ShowThe Nate Berkus Show, HLN, CNN, MSNBC, VH1, and the Rachel Ray show. Millner also is the author of 21 books. The former political reporter and entertainment journalist lives in the Atlanta area with her husband and their two daughters.

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