My child won't listen

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My child won't listen

What is difficult for many parents in regards to their children listening to them and listening to their instructions is that, many parents have created bad habits with their children early on. Then when they find that their child isn't listening, it's changing those habits. What I suggest to parents, they should speak to their partner about what type of response they want from their children in certain situations. They type of consequences they are going to give in those situations. Say your child is not putting their clothes on in the morning when it's time to go to school. What you should do is stop, refer back to what you and your partner spoke about. Letting your child know, by getting down to their level and looking them in the eye, saying, "This is the response that I'm looking from you. I need you to put your clothes on before we go to school." They are going to give you a challenge, of course. You let them know what the consequences are for not listening. You repeat this over the next two or three weeks, being consistent and firm as you can be -- without being disrespectful, of course -- and you'll find that children will listen over time.

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Daniel Asres

Preschool Teacher

Daniel Asres has lived in the greater Los Angeles for 36 years. He received his Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Studies, with emphasis in Sociology and Education from the University of California, Riverside. Daniel’s great love and passion remains in educating children. Daniel is the Assistant Director at Little Dolphins Preschool for five years and counting. He has taught early education for over 12 years and was the Director of an Enrichment Program for three years. Daniel's hobbies include traveling, writing, painting and all things sports.  

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