Golden Nugget

D'Lynda Kaplan, Say-It-Like-It-Is Mom, shares her Golden Nugget of parenting advice on how important it is to spend some individual time with each child at least once a week
Golden Nugget Of Parenting Advice From D'Lynda Kaplan
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Golden Nugget

A couple of months ago I had an aha moment. I was cooking and one of my daughters was at the table and she said, “Mommy, I want to write you a letter.” And she said, “How do you spell ‘beautiful’? How do you spell ‘funny’? How do you spell ‘things I like to do with my mommy’?” And then she kind of sat there and she was like, “Hm… you don’t really do that much stuff with us. I mean, you do stuff for us, like you drive us places and you feed us, but you know, Nary the nanny really colors with us and daddy plays with us, but mommy – what do you do with us?” And I was like, “Oh!” So I think one of the advices I’m trying to be better at, having four kids, is actually making sure I’m doing something with my children individually at least once a week. I mean it’s hard, there’s a lot to do when you have four kids in the house. But I think you do need to make sure you’re actually spending quality time at least once a week with what they want to do. And so I’ve tried to be better at that.

D'Lynda Kaplan, Say-It-Like-It-Is Mom, shares her Golden Nugget of parenting advice on how important it is to spend some individual time with each child at least once a week


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D'Lynda Kaplan

Say-It-Like-It-Is Mom

D’Lynda Kaplan is originally from Texas and has been living in Los Angeles for 15 years. Prior to motherhood, she worked for over a decade at Universal Music Group. She is the mother to four children all under 10 years of age - which means she has a very busy household. In fact, when it comes to hobbies, she only has time to do two things other than parenting: eat and exercise!

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