Tips on getting your kids to cooperate

Watch Video: Tips on getting your kids to cooperate by Wanda Yeatman, ...
Tips on getting your kids to cooperate | Kids in the House
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Tips on getting your kids to cooperate

When you are trying to get your child to do something they don't really want to do, you want to really check to see whether it's an issue of motivation or it's an issue of ability. If it's an issue of motivation, where the child finds the behavior undesirable, then you need to work with the child to help them understand how that behavior is something that is desirable. A lot of times, we do invoke the idea of the natural consequence. When you put hard work into something, you are going to have a good result. If you are choosing something that is going to have a poor result, then that is going to have natural consequences. That's going to help the child to understand that the undesirable, can be desirable. If it's an issue of ability, we need to teach and train our children. A lot of times, we have unreal expectations. We're expecting a one year old to be able to brush their teeth well. That's not an appropriate thing. We need to say, "Are they able to do what I've asked?" If it's neither of those two things and it's a rebellion issue, then we do have to invoke natural consequences and we move into a discipline situation.

Watch Video: Tips on getting your kids to cooperate by Wanda Yeatman, ...


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Wanda Yeatman

Conservative Mom

Wanda Jones-Yeatman is the owner of WJY Consulting, a small firm specializing in providing a variety of consulting, training, facilitation, coaching and program management services to organizations and individuals. Wanda has worked in the field of education and training for over 25 years, with extensive experience in personality type and its application, team-building, communication, success coaching, career development, human relations, conflict management and peacemaking, management training, leadership development, group facilitation, organizational development and multicultural awareness. As a consultant Wanda has served as an internal organizational coach focusing on subjects such as supervisory leadership, teambuilding, communication, conflict resolution and workforce planning. 

Wanda was born in Roanoke, VA and grew up all over the world as part of a military family. She has a Bachelor of Arts in Communication from Arizona State University and a M. Ed. from the University of Maryland in Counseling and Personnel Services. Wanda is married, mother of four wonderful children and resides in Maryland.

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