Golden nugget of parenting advice

Parent Educator Vicki Hoefle shares her Golden Nugget of parenting advice on the benefits of thinking of how you want your child to describe you when they are adults and using that as your goal
Golden Nugget of Parenting Advice from Vicki Hoefle
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Golden nugget of parenting advice

So here's my golden nugget. Here's what I kept close to my heart the whole time I was parenting. I imagined that my child would come home at 25 and they would bring their best friend and they would be sitting at the dinner table. And the best friend would look at my child and say, describe your mother in one word. And I thought, what word do I want my child to use to describe me? And when my oldest child was three, I came up with two words. Radical faith. I wanted my child to look at her friend and say, my mother had radical faith in herself, in her children, and in her world. And she lived that every single day. If a parent takes time to think about how they want their child to describe them when their adults, it gives them something to shoot for, it holds them accountable in a very personal way. It gives us something to aspire to. It brings out the very best in us. It allows us to forgive ourselves to fail, which we will do more often than not. And it inspires us to try again.

Parent Educator Vicki Hoefle shares her Golden Nugget of parenting advice on the benefits of thinking of how you want your child to describe you when they are adults and using that as your goal


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Vicki Hoefle

Professional Parent Educator

Vicki Hoefle is a professional parent educator with over 20 years experience teaching parents, educators and caregivers how to raise respectful, responsible and resilient children. Hoefle combines her expertise in Adlerian Psychology and as an International Coaching Federation certified coach to bring parents Duct Tape Parenting, a sustainable and proactive parenting strategy that provides time-tested tools for harvesting a happy and peaceful family life. Her informative and highly engaging presentation style keeps her in demand as a speaker, facilitator and educator. Hoefle is a mother of six and lives in Middlebury, Vermont.

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