Younger siblings annoying older siblings

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Younger siblings annoying older siblings

When my younger child, who's three, follows around his sisters that are four and six years older, it annoys them. I try to remind them that he's three and he just wants to play with them. So I try to make sure that, at least for thirty minutes that they do play with him when he's wanting them, like right when they get home from school. He's missed them. Then I can say, "If you play with him for thirty minutes, then you can have your alone time." And it helps them. They feel like the big sister. They know in the back of their mind that they are going to get to play their game, or play with their friend or do their puzzle and have time to themselves where they can shut their door, which I think is important too. But they do need to include their little brother because he misses them.

See D'Lynda Kaplan's video on Younger siblings annoying older siblings...


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D'Lynda Kaplan

Say-It-Like-It-Is Mom

D’Lynda Kaplan is originally from Texas and has been living in Los Angeles for 15 years. Prior to motherhood, she worked for over a decade at Universal Music Group. She is the mother to four children all under 10 years of age - which means she has a very busy household. In fact, when it comes to hobbies, she only has time to do two things other than parenting: eat and exercise!

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