Rampant oral sex and what to do about it

Dr. John Gray warns parents about the effects of early puberty on teen sexuality
Parenting Teens | What parents need to know about young teens and sexuality
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Rampant oral sex and what to do about it

It is a whole new world for parents. Children who are 14 and 15 years old are going to parties and many girls are giving oral sex for boys. Now, as boys go through puberty, they are going wow, this is great. But that much sexual stimulation causes a boy to go this is great and then loses interest in that girl. And yet, boys are drawn to easy girls and then they don´t want to be in a relationship with easy girls. And your daughter may actually have to compete with those other girls, and she needs to understand that boys who get what they want, they like it but they are not willing to be in a committed or interested relationship. They will often make fun of you and put you down. You lose status and all those things, and you wonder why is this happening. Part of why it is happening is that due to environmental factors, some children are eating all organic foods, some children are eating foods with pesticides on them. Pesticides are known as xenoestrogens. They are increasing the estrogen levels in young girls. And studies are showing that for some girls, they are experiencing puberty four years earlier. So that means a 14 year old girl has the sexual development of an 18 year old woman. And so, she is going to be very interested and sexually aggressive and going why are we not having sex, which an older woman would have; a younger woman doesn´t. A kiss is just like so much. And to go that far sexually is overstimulating the male. And so when a male has that much stimulation, it is literally like as much as he likes it, he is going to dislike her later.

Dr. John Gray warns parents about the effects of early puberty on teen sexuality


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John Gray, PhD

Best-Selling Author

John Gray is the leading relationship expert in the world. His relationship and health books have sold over 50 million copies in 50 different languages. His groundbreaking book, Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus, is the best-selling non-fiction book of all time.

John helps men and women better understand and respect their differences in both personal and professional relationships. His approach combines specific communication techniques with healthy, nutritional choices that create the brain and body chemistry for lasting health, happiness and romance. His many books, videos, workshops and seminars provide practical insights to effectively manage stress and improve relationships at all stages of life and love.

John also travels the world teaching communities and companies the best ways to improve their relationships and communication. He has appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show many times as well as The Dr. Oz Show, The Today Show, CBS Morning Show, Good Morning America, The Early Show, The View, and many others. He has been profiled in Time, Forbes, USA Today and People.

John Gray lives in Northern California with his wife of 29 years, Bonnie. They have three grown daughters and four grandchildren. He is an avid follower of his own health and relationship advice.

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