Why there is an increase in ADHD diagnoses

Dr. John Gray explains how free radical damage and brain inflammation may be contributing to the increase in ADHD and autism
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Why there is an increase in ADHD diagnoses

Every year we hear statistically that more and more children are being diagnosed with attention deficit disorders. What is this, and why is it being so diagnosed? Well some people boys will be boys and we're trying to feminize boys and we're making a big deal out of nothing. That's not true. Today if you look at college statistics, twice as many girls are graduating from college as boys. This is shocking. Boys are dropping out. Something is happening. Learning difficulties are 90% boys. Something is going on. Autism, 4x as many boys have autism. Twice as many boys are diagnosed with ADHD. Something real is happening is here, but it's in all different degrees. It's hyper. If your child tends to be more the active type, they'll become hyper active, the same condition that causes the more active child, the more physical child to become hyper causes the creative child to become more creative. So they're good at starting things, but they become very disorganized and can't finish things. And they lose things, because their mind is always racing on to something else. Or they might bounce back and forth. And then you get children who aren't diagnosed with ADHD who are also hyper. The child who tends to be more sensitive. You get hyper sensitivity children. These children are affected by EMFs more. These children are affected by chemicals more. These children have digestive problems more. What is it now, a third of Americans are gluten intolerant, getting indigestion? What's going on here? There's a major change that's occurring. And then there's the children that need a lot of security. They tend to be really well behaved children as long as they have routine. They become hyper compulsive. Things have to be a certain way. You can't change things. They become oppositional. But no, you said. We were supposed to do this. And they resist change. So some children become hyper into change. Other children become hyper resistant to change. Other children become hyper emotional. Other children become hyper active. Other children become hyper extrovert. Other children become hyper introvert. What we have is a phenomenon which is occurring today which is hyper. We live in a hyper society. And what causes that is we now see associated with all those conditions I mentioned is inflammation in the brain. How do we know that? Well we can take children who are autistic who clearly have behavior problems and we look at inflammation in the brain, which is caused by a deficiency of a protein that your liver makes, called glutathione. Glutathione protects your brain from free radical damage. These children have none. Children with ADHD have extremely low levels of glutathione. People with Parkinson's disease. People with Alzheimer's. People with dementia. It took a lifetime, but their body no longer makes glutathione. What is glutathione? It is something your body makes that is 1000x more powerful than any antioxidant food your body makes. So we want to look at what's happening here is the brain can't protect itself from all the free radical damage. toxicity causes free radical damage. But alos stress causes free radical damage. Our body used to have a way to protect itself against all that free radical damage. But today something has happened. In 1980, there was 1/10K children had autism. Now, 1/50 boys has autism. 1/80 children are autistic. What has happened? What's happening in 1980 something new happened. And this is mapped out on PubMed, which is all of our vaccinations we started doing more vaccinations. And people go, oh, vaccinations are causing autism. But in Cuba where they use the same amount of vaccinations, the same schedule as in America, they still have one 1/10K children with autismm. So they have the same vaccinations and no autism. What's happening? Children in Cuba are not allowed to take fever suppressors, like Tylenol particularly. In 1980 we started using Tylenol to suppress fever. children have fevers, it's a natural response to toxicity. Vaccinations cause a toxic response. They have to to produce antibodies. But then parents are told, or some parents are just afraid, when a child runs a fever they give them a fever suppressant. So the fever suppressant is what inhibits glutathione in the liver to protect the brain from all these formaldehydes, aluminum, this toxicity, the MSG, which are all neural toxins. So if we don't have protection against neural toxins, then food affects us more. Like some children, if you give them food with MSG, they go crazy the next day. They have headaches, they get angry. Other children aren't affected by it at all. It all has to do with if your body can protect itself from all this toxicity. So we see all this change. We see parents using Tylenol, over the counter drugs. too much of this stuff will inhibit the body's ability to make glutathione. So what we want to do is help our body to make more glutathione and try to limit the things that will cause more free radical damage in the body. We also want to allow the body to make more glutathione.

Dr. John Gray explains how free radical damage and brain inflammation may be contributing to the increase in ADHD and autism


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John Gray, PhD

Best-Selling Author

John Gray is the leading relationship expert in the world. His relationship and health books have sold over 50 million copies in 50 different languages. His groundbreaking book, Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus, is the best-selling non-fiction book of all time.

John helps men and women better understand and respect their differences in both personal and professional relationships. His approach combines specific communication techniques with healthy, nutritional choices that create the brain and body chemistry for lasting health, happiness and romance. His many books, videos, workshops and seminars provide practical insights to effectively manage stress and improve relationships at all stages of life and love.

John also travels the world teaching communities and companies the best ways to improve their relationships and communication. He has appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show many times as well as The Dr. Oz Show, The Today Show, CBS Morning Show, Good Morning America, The Early Show, The View, and many others. He has been profiled in Time, Forbes, USA Today and People.

John Gray lives in Northern California with his wife of 29 years, Bonnie. They have three grown daughters and four grandchildren. He is an avid follower of his own health and relationship advice.

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