Safety plans for different ages

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Safety plans for different ages

Safety plans are different for college students versus high school students for many different reasons. One thing is that if you are a teenager, you may have moments in your life where you are not actually around your abusive partner or they may have access to you. You go home, you are with your parents. Whereas, if you are in college, that person can come to the dorm. That person can get in the car. That person can come in and see you. When you have a safety plan, you need to think about things like that. If I am a teenager, what am I going to do if they are at school? How do I safety plan around that? They may be in classes together when they don't have a choice. How do you bring the teacher or administrator in so that they are aware of that situation? With a college student, it's about talking about the differences. Are they on campus? Are they off campus? Are they living with their abusive partner or not? If you have a student who is on campus at 18 who is in an abusive relationship and the person comes to the dorm. It is about being prepared. You tell people, if you see them in the dorm, please report them to the campus police. Don't let the door to the dorm open, so they can come in. Safety plans can differ a lot. It has to do with the mobility to get around, but also with the ability may not have breaks in their time like a high school student. A college student may have to deal with their abuser showing up at any time.

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Brian Pinero

Abuse Helpline Coordinator

Brian Pinero is the director of the National Dating Abuse Helpline, the advocacy service provider behind Through loveisrespect, teens and young adults can receive crisis intervention and education about healthy relationships via text, chat or phone. Pinero has dedicated over 10 years to helping teens and has previously supervised youth shelter services, been an investigator at Child Protective Services and worked as a juvenile probation officer. 

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