Tips on getting out of an abusive relationship
Learn about: Tips on getting out of an abusive relationship from Brian Pinero,...
I think that when breakups come, the one thing that young people need to be aware of is that we don't have to do it in person.
We have so many things in the media or in the movies that show that you have to have this moment telling the person that they are no longer going to be with them. Letting them know that they don't have to do that. Texting and calling is okay. There's one thing you can do.
The one thing about the breakup with an abusive partner is that just because it is over, doesn't mean that person isn't going to continue to contact them. It doesn't mean that they aren't going to possibly show up at school. So start thinking about, when you leave from school, where are you going to go? What are some of your traditional patterns when you go home. Maybe the abusive partner knows where you are, traditionally, and maybe you need to change that up. Maybe you need to run through a scenario, if you do run into them in the hallways. What are you going to do? How are you going to handle it? How are you going to put yourself in a situation that is safer than being alone with them?
Your job as a parent is to spend time running through scenarios, so that you can help your young person avoid a possible crisis.
Learn about: Tips on getting out of an abusive relationship from Brian Pinero,...
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Brian PineroAbuse Helpline Coordinator
Brian Pinero is the director of the National Dating Abuse Helpline, the advocacy service provider behind Through loveisrespect, teens and young adults can receive crisis intervention and education about healthy relationships via text, chat or phone. Pinero has dedicated over 10 years to helping teens and has previously supervised youth shelter services, been an investigator at Child Protective Services and worked as a juvenile probation officer.
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