Tips to prevent abuse

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Tips to prevent abuse

The question is: What can you do or help prevent a young person from being abused in a relationship? I think you have to recognize that no one chooses to be in an abusive relationship, sometimes it just happens. It comes down to choice and circumstance. What you can do is to continue to model good behavior in your own relationship and talk about what that behavior looks like in any relationship. While you may not be able to prevent it all the time, you can create channels of communication where you can discuss issues that come up. Allowing them to be an individual and not letting your judgment or opinion dictate the outcome.

Watch Brian Pinero's video on Tips to prevent abuse...


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Brian Pinero

Abuse Helpline Coordinator

Brian Pinero is the director of the National Dating Abuse Helpline, the advocacy service provider behind Through loveisrespect, teens and young adults can receive crisis intervention and education about healthy relationships via text, chat or phone. Pinero has dedicated over 10 years to helping teens and has previously supervised youth shelter services, been an investigator at Child Protective Services and worked as a juvenile probation officer. 

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